Email Counselling
Safety, Hope, ChangeEmail Counselling
Email Counselling
Email counselling takes place within a secure, encrypted environment to offer you confidentiality and safety whilst you communicate with a counsellor via email. Email counselling at My Sisters Place is offered through a secure email server and if you decide to go ahead with email counselling we will send you instructions on how to set up a confidential email account for your counselling on line.
What is Email Counselling at My Sisters Place?
Email counselling at My Sisters Place is arranged just like a face to face session would be the difference is rather than sitting in front of your counsellor you will communicate with her in an email exchange. The process involves you writing your problems and concerns in an email, and the counsellor replying with a considered therapeutic response.
Email counselling is what we call synchronous that means it feels more like a live chat where you and your counsellor are connected at the same time and engaged in a two-way conversation similar to a traditional counselling meeting. This means that sessions are agreed in advance and go ahead on the day and time agreed. You are only able to communicate with your counsellor via email at the agreed times and we do not offer email replies outside of those agreed times.
We use an encrypted email provider and emails are protected by a security phrase which is agreed with you before your email sessions begin and is unique to you. When you start your email counselling you will have to input this in order to access the session with your counsellor and to send and receive messages from the encrypted email your counsellor is using. This means that no one else can access the emails if you keep the security phrase secure.
Benefits of Email Counselling
- It can feel more convenient and an easier way of talking to a counsellor as it fits more flexibly around other commitments, time pressures or other personal situations.
- Email sessions can take place from our own home or from any safe location at a time that suits you.
- Often writing or expressing feelings in comfortable/familiar surroundings can help reduce some difficulties you may have if you were face to face with a counsellor.
- For some people it feels easier not being seen going into a counselling service and worrying about seeing someone they know either in the service or someone seeing them going into the service.
- You may find it easier to express feelings in an email rather than face to face and some people feel they actually find it easier to talk about some things when they are not in the same room as the person.
- You can take as much time as you like to get your thoughts and feelings down in writing, which allows you and your counsellor to consider the issues and solutions more thoroughly.
- Writing things that are on your mind is helpful in itself – often the act of sharing can provide some relief and expressing your thoughts, feelings and concerns in wiring can begin to give insight into what’s happening.
- It is a way of communicating that we are all used to using and this can make it feel a little easier especially if you feel more at ease writing than speaking.
- It lets you access counselling if you feel too anxious to go to new places or you may have a physical condition or disability that makes accessing therapy more difficult.
- It can be more affordable – even though the services that we offer are free of charge email counselling means you don’t have travel costs and can safe you time travelling to and from sessions.
- You are able to read over the email conversation after your session which can often be helpful.
- Sometimes just knowing someone is there to respond without judgement can provide a sense of comfort and support when experiencing a difficult period in your life.
- Online sessions are bound by the same code of confidentially as face to face counselling in that both parties agree to keep the details discussed within a session confidential with exceptions to confidentiality previously agreed.
Disadvantages of Email Counselling
- As you are responsible for ensuring privacy at your end you will need a private and confidential space where you can send and receive emails. Sometimes if others are close by that may impact on the session if you are distracted if there are other people, partners, children other family members around.
- Email is a slower process as we have to wait for responses to arrive, think about and then type our reply.
- You may feel that it’s harder to communicate what you are feeling if you are unable to see the person as we often pick up information and read emotions through facial expressions, body language etc and these cue’ s are not available via email.
- You may find that you say things that you may not have been able to say face to face but this might lead to unexpectedly feel heightened emotional responses very quickly – although your counsellor would explore this with you but it is something to be aware of.
- There may be technological problems which can arise during the email exchange where you lose contact.
- Words can be misinterpreted sometimes or taken out of context.
Things to consider before deciding go ahead with email counselling
As with all types of counselling/therapy each has its advantages and disadvantages. Click Things to consider for Email Counselling to help you decide if email counselling is the right choice for you.
Next step
If after considering the above you would like to progress with email counselling please either email, call or text to the following:
Click to Email Counselling Service
01642 256036 (direct line)
The counselling team will then contact you directly to provide you with more information

As a BACP Accredited Service My Sisters Place Counselling and Therapeutic Services works within the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions
Contact Us
If you would like to make an enquiry about any of our services, have any questions please complete the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possible.
Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to us directly, please call us: