What women say about how counselling helped them face challenges and move forward.

What women say about not being judged and accepted
‘I feel that the therapy I have received has helped massively and how welcoming the place was helped me stick at it.’
‘Being able to talk to a friendly face without being judged in a safe environment where I am believed and understood. I have learnt to become happy in myself and I am not to blame. This has made me stronger as a person and I am able to trust myself more.’
What women say about building self-esteem, self-confidence and being able to cope
‘Everything about this experience has been positive. It has helped me with my problems. It has increased my confidence. It has helped me get in touch with my emotions and not feel guilty about my emotions. I am now able to cope.’
‘Therapy has made me look at myself in a different way for the first time in my life. Having always thought of myself as bad, to blame, ugly, now, having spent time in counselling I look at myself and think I am worth a lot; I am not to blame; I am a good person; it’s ok to say no.’
‘I am able to manage my anger better and able to cope with feelings instead of thinking about harming myself.’
‘I have learnt to cope with situations that I found over-whelming at times.’
What women say about how counselling helped them face challenges and move forward
‘I have had the chance to explore the difficulties I have faced and still face going forwards. I have gained a great deal of insight into what caused the abuse and I now feel I have broken the circle.’
‘Never did I think that I would need counselling. I have found this experience very daunting/could see no light at the end of a long dark awful tunnel but with the help, guidance and support of the wonderful staff at My Sisters Place, I have now found the courage and know how to keep walking forward into my new life. I may experience blips in the future but feel better equipped to keep moving forward.’
‘Without therapy, I wouldn’t be alive and I love being alive and living life.’
‘I have had the chance to explore the difficulties I have faced and still face going forwards. I have gained a great deal of insight into what caused the abuse and I now feel I have broken the cycle.’
‘When I started therapy I was in the relationship, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I was scared and confused. Counselling gave me a space to explore my feelings and feel stronger in myself’.
What women say about their opportunity to talk about their experiences and emotions
‘It gave me an opportunity to discuss issues I hadn’t talked over with others. I have reflected and worked on these thoughts and feelings. I have become clear-headed and stronger.’
‘I have opened up and discussed things I had forgotten. I can now feel emotions – it has unlocked them and I can laugh and cry. I understand I am not responsible for others’ behaviour. I understand my reactions in situation.’
‘The therapy has enabled me to look at past events and to share my thoughts and feelings which have been bottled up for 50 years.’
‘Coming each week has helped me to talk to someone, make sense of what has happened to me and to begin to understand why I have thought and reacted in the way I have. I literally thought that I was losing my mind. Each part of my journey has been explained to me and I have been given strategies and tools to help me to deal with the different emotions that I have experienced.’
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