How To Get Help

Contact us directly on 01642 241864.
Don’t worry if we don’t answer your call immediately, you can leave a voicemail with just your name and contact number and a member of the team will contact you as soon as possible.
01642 241864
In Person
You can come and visit us at our main office in Middlesbrough if you would like to speak to someone face-to-face.
My Sisters Place
123 Borough Road
Contact us via email at the address below or by completing the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Online Referral
You can complete our online referral form for yourself only. This is for IDVA and Freedom Programme only. For counselling referrals please email
Click for Online Referral Form
If you are an individual self-referring, please complete as much information as possible and we will be in touch with during office hours.
If you are a professional looking to make a referral to our services please go to the professionals section and download a form. Please ensue that you have the appropriate consent before making the referral. Please make it clear what service you referring to IDVA support, Counselling or Freedom Programme.
What Happens When You Contact Us
A trained advisor will reply
Our reception team will answer you call/enquiry, and arrange for a specialist, trained support worker to get back to you or, if it’s urgent, transfer your call to get you the support you need.
You will speak to an advocate
One of our trained and experienced domestic abuse advocates will talk to you about your situation, explain your options, and advise on the support available to help you.
Tell Us What You Want
We will ask you some questions about your situation, so we can help you, but there will be no pressure to tell us anything you’re not ready to share with us.
We don’t tell you what to do
We will help you explore the options you have, but we won’t give you advice or tell you what we think you should do. You are in control.
Practical Support
It can be difficult to know what you need – you can talk to us confidentially about your current situation and we can discuss some of the options available to you. You may not be ready to take any action and that’s OK, or you may need urgent help.
We can help you along a path you choose, at a speed thatyou want to go.
We can help you through practical one-to-one support. We can support you with safety planning, whether you choose to stay or want to leave the abuser, we can help you stay safe.
We can help you with housing, legal, health, children’s services, finance, and immigration.
Sometimes you will feel as though you have no choices. You have a right to the services and support you need, and we can advocate for you with other suitable agencies and get access to the help you need.
That may be the Courts, Social Services, Housing, Police, or other agencies. It helps to know that someone understands your situation and can help you navigate through the systems and processes you need to go through.
Help for Children & Young People
Children and young people are also affeccted by domestic abuse, even if they don’t see or hear the abuse whilst it is happening. For some, it can be difficult to make sense of this and they may need some help. Every child is different and the effects of living with domestic abuse will affect every child in different ways.
We can help in a number of ways:
- Counselling
- Group sessions with children & young people of a similar age
- Working with the child or young person and the non-abusive parent
Counselling & Therapeutic Support
We offer confidential, one-to-one trauma informed counselling for victims aged 16 years and over who are still being affected physically and emotionally by experiencing or witnessing abuse of any kind. This service is free.
We also provide counselling for adults who have experienced or witnessed abuse as a child, as an adult, or both.
Contact us to find out more about counselling and how it might help.
Group Activities
We also run a number of groups where survivors can learn more and make sense of their experiences. These groups are safe spaces to share and learn from others with similar experiences, and create long-lasting friendships.
Abuse can lead isolation and low self-esteem, however, being part of a group helps survivors to see that they are not on their own and the only person responsible for the abuse they have siuffered is the perpetrator.

What happens when you contact us?
We won’t tell you what to do, nor judge you, we’ll listen to what you have to say.
Our reception team will answer, and then arrange for a specialist, trained, support worker to call you back (if it is urgentyour call will be transferred straight away).
An experienced domestic abuse advocate will speak to you about your situation and any help you need.
We will ask some questions about your current situation, but we won’t pressure you to share anything you are not comfortable with.
We can help explore the options available to you, but we won’t give you advice or tell you what we think you should do.
If you need ongoing support we will allocate you an IDVA who will be your point of contact.
If you decide you don’t want to use any of our support services at the moment then that’s OK, you can call back again at any time – either just for another chat or to get referred into our one-to-one support or to find a safe place to stay.
Our services are confidential
All of our services are confidential, and our confidentiality policy will be explained to you when you access any service at MSP.
We will not disclose any of your personal details or any other information that could identify you without your permission, unless we believe there to be a risk of harm to a child, young person, or adult, or if we have a legal requirement to share the information.
Wherever possible, and if appropriate, you would be informed before any confidential information was shared with any other agencies.
Our services are free
All of our services are free to access.
If you’re contacting us by phone you will need to pay for the call at your normal rate.
Contact Us
If you would like to make an enquiry about any of our services, have any questions please complete the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possible.
Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to us directly, please call us: