Independent Domestic Violence Advocate



“Specialist professional who works with a victim of domestic abuse to develop a trusting relationship. They can help a victim with everything they need to become safe and rebuild their life and represent their voice at a Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), as well as helping them to navigate the criminal justice process and working with the different statutory agencies to provide wraparound support” SafeLives, 2023

IDVA Support

Our IDVA’s are here to offer you support and advice to keep you safe and will work with you to make informed decisions and explore your options.

The role of an IDVA is to assess the immediate risks from domestic abuse using a risk assessment tool, and to complete safety planning and support plans with clients. IDVA’s will offer practical support with the aim to support clients and their children in regard to their safety. Support can be provided through the civil courts and the criminal justice system. IDVA’s will ensure the voice of clients are heard with other multi-agencies, advocating on the clients behalf when required.

Safety, Hope, Change

Most importantly our IDVA’s recognise that telling someone about abuse is not an easy step and they are here to listen to and support you. We recognise that not everyone wants to or is ready to take action and we will support you to be safe whether you decide to remain with your partner or not. All our support staff are independent of other services such as Police, Courts, Housing and Social Care however they can work with a range of agencies to advocate for you where that helps or is needed.

We will support you and advocate on your behalf in a number of ways depending on your needs and circumstances, our role is to prioritise your safety and to work with you to set and achieve your goals.

We will:

Listen to your experiences, offer emotional support and understanding without judgement.

Talk to you about your safety and make sure you are not at risk.

Support and advocate through the Criminal courts, including keeping you informed about Police and CPS decisions, requesting Restraining Orders to prevent your abuser continuing to contact you after a court case has finished, complete Victim Personal Statements with you so the courts are aware of the impact the incident has had on you and support you during a trial if needed.

Be your voice within the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) should you be referred, this is a forum for agencies to consider the potential risks to you and support in making you and your children safer.

Talk with you about your legal options and assist you and support you to access legal advice and any actions you wish to take including attending court.

Help to liaise with other agencies such as social care, housing, health services etc.

Support you with options around safe accommodation and financial abuse.

Contact Us

If you would like to make an enquiry about any of our services, have any questions please complete the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to us directly, please call us:


01642 241 864