My Sisters Place

Sanctuary Scheme

What Is The Sanctuary Scheme?

The Sanctuary Scheme aims to prevent victims who, whilst no longer residing with the perpetrator, are still experiencing or are at risk of domestic abuse but want to remain safely in their homes by providing additional security for them. It is a victim centred initiative, with the objective of making it possible for victims to remain in their own home and feel safe.

Safety, Hope, Change

Why do we offer this?

Domestic abuse is the largest single reason for homelessness in Middlesbrough. The scheme provides a preventative approach to resolving homeless issues through early intervention and safety planning.

See this one minute guide for more information.

Who is eligible?

The scheme is available to residents in the Middlesbrough Borough Council area who are victims of domestic abuse and threatened with violence where, without the support of the scheme and additional security measures, would likely become homeless.

Applicants can be local authority, private or Registered Social Landlord tenants or homeowners, however, legal occupation of the property must be solely in the applicant’s name and the scheme must obtain consent from the landlord.

Who is involved?

The scheme is run as a partnership with the Sanctuary Scheme Co-ordinator based at My Sisters Place working closely with Crime Prevention Team at Cleveland Police, Cleveland Fire Brigade. The scheme is funded by Middlesbrough Council.

What is the process?

If a referring agency is satisfied that without the work the victim would be at risk of harm and likely to become homeless a Sanctuary Referral Form is completed and submitted to or,
together with a Risk Assessment Checklist.

Consideration of the IDVA Service could also be made to provide advocacy support for the client.


  • Following receipt of a referral and RIC the Sanctuary Scheme Co-ordinator contacts the client to discuss the client’s intentions of moving or remaining longer term at the property and completes an initial assessment. A safety plan and ongoing support options are discussed. All clients are offered IDVA support if this is not already in place.
  • The Crime Prevention Team visit the property and submit their safety recommendations.
  • The Landlord is contacted to obtain written consent to proceed with the work.
  • Trades are instructed to complete the work. The work is carried out at no cost to the client.
  • Cleveland Fire Brigade are notified of the works and a Fire Safety Visit is completed.
  • Sanctuary worker contacts the client to check the work has been completed satisfactorily and reviews the support plan.
  • Follow up reviews take place after one, three and six months.

Contact Us

If you would like to make an enquiry about any of our services, have any questions please complete the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to us directly, please call us:


01642 241 864